
*seven months*

ahhh...each month gets better and better.
i'm so glad we are at this point.
 i look back at pictures from the first couple months and the anxious feeling comes right back. the awkwardness of it all..the ups and downs...the unsureness of being a mom. always wondering if i was doing it right. stressing over bonding and sleeping and eating and watching that darn clock.
phew...i am so happy to finally feel comfortable, at ease and not so stressed about each little detail.
we are having fun, enjoying each other, laughing, snuggling, holding hands.
exploring parenthood one day at a time.
it still amazes me that we are finally here...all together.
after three long years.
it was so worth the pain, the stress, the tears.
God knew what he was doing and we trusted him.
we knew our son was out there just waiting for us.
we knew we had to be patient and keep forging along that blind path.
He created the perfect child for us and he lead us right to him.
i may not have given my son life, but he was definitely cut from the same cloth as myself and b.
we are all so much alike and it makes my heart want to burst!
we were meant to be a family.
love you oyc
happy 7 months home sweet boy!


Lesley said...

this makes me so happy! it was so hard to watch you go through that waiting period, but look at you now! God is so good. i can't believe sweet ollie has been home for seven months. unreal!

Kelli said...

aw, totally made me smile. Love it and love your matching stripes!

Jaclyn said...

I'm so happy for you guys and love love love this post.

b said...

Everything you wrote d was so true, we have come a long way and each passing day gets better and better. god definitely made o for you and me!!! b.

kelly said...

Awwww, it is amazing what seven months can do, how much things can seem settled & comfortable & perfect. Love it!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you!