
let's start with...

today, i stayed in my pjs all day. i needed a break.
just a lazy day with O.
and that is what we got.
last week was a little crazy. it was a weird week. i think that is why i did not
do any posts after wednesday.
weird why?
after i posted about my blood work on monday and had my root canal on tuesday,
 i got a call on wednesday.
it was from my doctor's office.
the nurse told me they received the results from my blood work and 
my doctor wanted to see me as soon as possible.
well thursday, we had a playdate in the morning so after nap, i took Oliver with me to talk with the doctor about my results. 
let me just say, taking your toddler with you to an afternoon doctors appointment is not the best idea.
don't get me wrong, Oliver did so well and was so patient...
for the first 45 minutes.
after that, he was getting very eager to get out of his stroller...of course this is the time that i was finally able to talk with the doctor.
luckily i had some snacks and toys to help (sorta) keep him preoccupied.
 my doctor informed me that my blood work showed extremely high
ANA levels.
i needed some explaining on what "ana" meant.
ANA is short for
antinuclear antibodies.
so what does that mean?
our immune system normally kills off foreign substances. things that don't belong in our body.
some times, the body will create antinuclear antibodies (ana) that attach to the body's own cells as if they were foreign substances. causing damage or destroying good cells.
this is considered an autoimmune disease.
   from what my doctor explained to me, ana can be found in a number of blood tests.
this doesn't always mean something is wrong or that someone has an autoimmune disease...
but in my case..it does.
since my ANA levels were beyond high
and my multiple (strange) symptoms like...
- exhaustion
(taking naps when Oliver does..which i normally do not.),
- extreme acheness...all.over.my.body 
(to the point i was taking ibuprofen every day and stretching before and after bed)
and swollen digits
(this is so weird. i would wake up with a painful swollen toe and after a couple days
it would go away.
after a week or two, i would wake up with the same swollen toe only on the opposite foot.)
my doctor told me he was really concerned because i should "not" be
having these symptoms at my age.
he told me there were many different types of autoimmune diseases and in order to figure out what was going on with me, i needed to have more blood work done and i need to visit a specialist.
so supposedly, this specialist is very hard to get an appointment with...like 3-4 months out.
my sweet doc was going to try and "pull his weight" and get me in sooner.
so after five vials and a promise that my doctor would "pull his weight",
Oliver and i went home to eat tacos with b.
that was thursday. on friday, i got an e-mail from my doctor saying my appointment with the specialist would be April 2nd....
luckily about an hour later, one of his nurses called and said they got me a new appointment
for the end of February. i'll take it!
that's better then April!
so as of today, that is where all of this stands.
i didn't want to dwell on it and i also did not want to try to figure out what i have.
there is not use in that.
so life went on.
O got his haircut and did a great job..so we got cupcakes and cookies as a treat.
we all went to West Elm and that night b and I had our second date night
(i love date night! thank you AS!!).
i had a 2 hr client meeting (lots to do for this client..phew! in a good way of course!)
after my meeting, we all went out for dinner.
so there you are. i've caught you up on what happened over the last five days.
hope you all had a fantastic weekend!


Vicky said...

Good luck with your tests and you are right - don't stress. I had something similar come up on our infertility journey and it could have pointed to some terrible diseases according to google, scared myself silly. Let the experts work it out. Love your hair btw - can I see a picture when your hair is straight? My hair is dead straight and I would love this colour but wondering what it looks like in straight hair.

b said...

great outlook d on the issue, there is no use in you stressing out about it all, that is for me to do, love you! b.

sue said...

kris caught me up the other day about how you've been feeling. i'm sorry you're going through this, but it sounds like you are being really positive about it. sending good thoughts and healthy vibes your way, friend!

ps, we need another chat. i was teling kris some new things about t and she was like, "o is the same way!" our boys must be two peas in a pod! lol!

Jaclyn said...

what a week. I am so sorry. I think you are right not to scare yourself. Stay positive and wait to get some answers in February.
I will be thinking about you.

Kelly said...

Ugh, I'm sorry you are in a sort of limbo trying to figure this all out! I'm glad they were able to move your appointment up, but the end of February is still quite a ways away. I hope you get answers - and help to feel better - soon. I have an autoimmune disease and it is a non-issue with simple medication I take every day. I hope yours is, too!

kelly said...

Oh boy, hearing this from your doctor has to be a bit stressful. I'm so sorry Dana! I hope, like Kelly above said, it's something very manageable and that they can treat the exhaustion & achiness so life can be normal again! Keep us posted. In the meantime, Dr. Kelly (me) presrcibes more date nights. Those always help, too :)

Lynn C said...

Prayers for answers and hope you fell better soon-more date nights sounds good!!Take care of yourself, much love....

Colleen said...

i've been thinking of you, dana, and will continue to send good thoughts your way. i know how stressful it is to wait to get in with those darn specialists...so ridiculous that it always has to take so darn long. hang in there...and like kelly said, more date nights certainly could help! ;) praying all is ok and hoping whatever it turns out to be it's an easy fix. xoxo