
and on to the next..

Goodbye January...hello February!
Okay, so everyone always says that January feels like the longest month of the year right?
Does anyone else feel like this year was a bit different...uh where did January go?
I'm okay with it though, because I love February! It's not just because it's my birthday month but it certainly helps! This month is filled with so many holidays (ahem..Valentines to name one!) and also there are a ton of amazing people in my life who were also born in this month!
So yahoo to February being here!
Remember my 2013 calendar that I was getting framed for the breakfast room?
Well my friend, Travis from Kings Home Furnishings sent me a note on Friday letting me know they were all ready to be picked up! Saturday morning, I brought them home and I'm in love with them! 
Here is a sneak peek!
I will tell you more about these later.

This weekend we celebrated the Lunar New Year. On Saturday night, we went to a celebration that our local MPAK chapter put together along with Bethany Presbyterian Korean Church. We had such a great time!
Oliver learned how to Sebea, which is a tradition in Korea where the children wish their elders a Happy New Year by performing a deep bow in front of them.
In return, the children receive money from their parents.
pictures taken by Karen Lim
The church had traditional Korean games set up and Oliver was really interested in
 learning yut nori (I might be spelling this wrong), a game that is very similar to a standard board game where you have a token that you move around the board to the finish line but the difference is you use sticks instead of dice to "roll". It was pretty fun and Oliver actually won his first game!
Along with everything else, we got to spend this holiday with old and new friends
 which makes it extra special!
Something that I love is that there is a family we get to see at these celebrations who lives close to us that we share a special connection with.
Oliver and their oldest son (pictured) both had the same foster mother (at different times) while they were in Korea. I love when the boys can get together and play. They don't really get the whole special connection thing yet but hopefully one day they will! :)
Happy Monday!! 
**one of our Sebea pictures made the Korean Daily!**

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