
*cookie magazine*

{check out this link....can you locate this bib?}
{it's too bad plum.tree didn't get credit for the bib...but this is the first for us....
at least our picture made it in a major publication...lol! oh...this is in their march issue...on news stands now. ;)}


Lesley said...

Dana, that's fabulous! Love the new bibs by the way. Need to get our butts down to bee-hive! Hope you are doing awesome!

Dana said...

Thank you! I'm glad you like the new bibs too! Yes, please do come down to Beehive...we'd love to have you visit. :)

hear.t. and hue said...

NO WAY! when/how did you find this out? congrats! well, even if you didn't get CREDIT ... you can take the credit for having your item be the image they wanted to feature! out of hundreds if not thousands of items! now you can claim "as seen in cookie magazine". :)

laura said...

that is so exciting, nay!

b said...

D, it doesn't matter how large/small the picture is, Cookie Magazine knows who YOU are now!!!
I am confident that you will be featured again some day....

Jen said...

YAY. This is exciting. I agree with b above. Cookie knows you.