
*finding inspiration*

{this week we had a pretty windy/rainy storm come through and it created a mess of our front yard. so the other day b and i were able to get out in the yard and pick up the branches and debris the storm left behind. while cleaning up...it made me start thinking about what i would like to try and work on this year to help spruce things up...
so i went onto martha's site and found these images of marney bean's garden...}

...i think these will help...


Jen said...

I love Hostas, and do not have the first one.

hear.t. and hue said...

love hostas, too! we have a bunch in our yard - front & back. i LOVE the way the lush green lawn butts up against the FULL beds. it's gorgeous. i'm wanting to do a complete overhaul of our yard ... i actually got a jump on it yesterday. these pics would work well for inspiration in my backyard as well! :)