
*for baby*

{a subway map of Seoul, South Korea...in a pillow version of course. i've been looking online for maps of South Korea...ones that would be worthy of framing. i want our baby to know where he or she came from..to be familiar with the shape of the country they were born in...to eventually learn the names of the cities in South Korea. now i know this pillow is not a map of the country (i will find some)...and it really will not show him or her either of the things that i want to teach them...but how cool would it be to have a soft pillow that shows you the amazing subway lines of Seoul? i will find those maps to frame...for now...this pillow is just a little more interesting. ;)}


b said...

D, that pillow is pretty cool, I know it is not the map we are looking for, but we may want to consider getting it anyways?? B.

hear.t. and hue said...

that pillow is REALLY REALLY REALLY COOL! i'm with b ... get it anyway. :)

and about the map - i suggest just waiting until you're there [that is if you ARE going there & not having the baby escorted? not sure of what the system is]. that way it's a personal, treasured keepsake from THE TRIP. and that way if there are any markings or anything of places you visited, etc. those can be personal marks made ON the map. things circled, notes made, etc. i think that would be an extra special touch. :)

knack said...

totally a great idea....love the pillow too....

hope your week is going great!


Krista said...

That is a great pillow! I actually see the stop where our agency was - (not sure which one you are using). Yoksom Station... I can still hear the voice on the subway calling our stop :) Can't wait to go back next year!

Kris said...

Oh my gosh. So awesome.