
*so where are we?*

there are many steps that we have to go through before we are able to bring Oliver home. i know..there are some groans out there..i heard them from some of my family members and i totally feel like groaning myself but it is what it is.
these are the steps (pulled from our agency's forum) that we have to take before our son can come home...

1. receive I-600 approval (US side)

2. receive Emigration permit (Korean side)

3. child has visa physical

4. Child is issued immigration visa at the embassy to come to the USA

before we could really start this list...we had a big item to check off...accepting his referral...probably the easiest out of all of these steps. we very happily (like smile from ear to ear floating on our toes happy) drove to our agency and dropped off all the paperwork stating we accepted Oliver's referral on april 8th. this paperwork was sent to Korea letting them know we had accepted and for them to start the process of getting Oliver's legals together. this is a step that is not noted on the four above but is also a big "to do" and we are waiting for very patiently for these legals...or at least trying. these are legal documents that include a family register (birth certificate) and a transfer of guardianship to our agency from our South Korea agency. before we can complete #1 on the list, we need to have two things...our fingerprint renewal which we completed yesterday and Oliver's legals here in the states. once we have these two items completed then we can file the I-600A form. so that is where we are on the "list" of things to do before Ollie comes home. we are praying that his legals get here very soon so that we can continue onto the next step.}


Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Waiting for the legals was so hard! Ours took one month & one day from the time of acceptance... but it felt three times as long. I actually screamed when I saw the Fed*Ex truck pull in. :-)

kelly said...

This part is definitely the hardest part because once you send in your acceptance paperwork it's all up to other people to do things! Here's hoping the two governments work fast so Oliver can get home very soon!

Kris said...

I love that you were "smile from ear to ear floating on our toes happy" to accept the paperwork!! I'm praying everything from this point on moves quickly and smoothly.

Bridgette said...

Hoping that legals are here SOON!!! Let's get Oliver home!

hear.t. and hue said...

hoping & praying everything moves along faster than normal. :) i know it's not easy ... especially when all along you've had to hurry up to get stuff done just to WAIT. but at least you're a pro at that now ;) ... and olie's in SIGHT! xo

Grace said...

hoping and praying all of this goes super duper fast and smoothly!

Colleen said...

fingers and toes are crossed over here for everything to move quickly!!! :)

Krista said...

Hoping to see more checkmarks on that list!

cara said...

isnt it crazy? each country is so different- we did all of this in less than a week while in russia (well our fingerprints were up to date) and brougt her home...