
*baby mia*

The story about Mia touched me so much that I wanted to share her story with you all...
read what A Mama Drama wrote:
Mia is my friend's baby, who was born with a dysfunctional heart and is on a waiting list in Seattle for a heart transplant. I read their family blog everyday and just cry. My heart aches for Mimi (the mom) and is so inspired by her strength and faith.

She's with Mia everyday, but because of all the tubes isn't allowed to even hold her.Mia has been patiently holding on for the past 3 months. But, she's one of 8 babies in the Seattle Children's Hospital on the Washington waiting list.

In order to put Mia on other waiting lists, the McDonalds need $450,000.00 up front for the heart transplant. Sadly their insurance is falling short of paying for the surgeries and health care Mia has already received.

To find out more information on how to help Mia visit A Mama Drama's blog. She is also doing a Giveaway, this beautiful quilt, in honor of Mia. If you would like to donate funds towards Mia's heart go to the Button on my sidebar.


Jen said...

this makes me so sad. health insurance companies are evil.

hear.t. and hue said...

*HEARTBREAKING. i'll be praying for mia!!!!

hear.t. and hue said...

oh i just went to read & yesterday they posted that MIA GOT A HEART!!!!!!!

still am sending prayers... she needs them now more than ever! :)