I just read the post from Tangled and True about
this brings tears to my eyes!
Here is a small portion from Tangled and True:
{This may sound like an exaggeration, but due to the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act, in just two short months all small toy manufacturers, independent artisans, and crafters will be shut down and out of business, period. This represents a huge portion of companies that are featured here on T+T.}
This act does not only impact toys, but ALL children's products like clothing --PLUM.TREE.STUDIO
I went to CoolMomPicks as advised and they have a list of ways YOU and I can do to help prevent this...
I went to the Handmade Toy Alliance and I found my Congress person and my Senator and I took the time to write both of them a letter regarding this issue. If YOU are one of the many who have bought off of etsy and bought handmade items for your child or as gifts...you should be one of the MANY who writes to their Congress person or Senator or both as I did.
ohhh dana! i had read about this ... do you think it's possible for artisans like you to remain IN BUSINESS but with just a disclaimer that says "does not meet standards according to the CPSI Act" or something like that?
i know i would still buy from any artisan that had that disclaimer. i would think that'd be a good work-around until the law becomes more fair.
do you think using that disclaimer would work? does anybody know? i'm not a legal person ... just a mom who's smart enough to know what's safe for a child to have & not have!
D, more research needs to be given to this, your items are not toys, not meant to be put in children's mouths, etc...so, would this pertain to your fabrics? Your buttons? If testing is required for these items, then the Button & Fabric makers will have to be the ones to have their products tested, then they will have to state whether they meet the Standards, then all you have to do is buy just those approved items? Maybe that will work?
yes, i agree with the fabrics and button comments but what i have read over and over again is the agents used in fusing these appliques to the shirts as well as products like the fray guard i use. all of these that are purchased at my local joann's store or hancock store. we will see. i'm still researching and trying to find even more information. even so...i don't want to loose all those other valuable toy makers, shoe makers, and other artists that we love.
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