
*all cleaned up*

{i am so loving my new make-up bag. b bought it for me as a birthday gift and filled it with lovelies...he said that he really could not stand seeing my grubby old bag in the drawer any more...so out with the old and in with the new....ahhhh}


Anonymous said...

He has GREAT taste!!!

Sarah said...

I had to comment because I saw the Black Apple art in the background--I LOVE THE BLACK APPLE!

hear.t. and hue said...

that cracks me up!!!!! right before we left for florida (just a few weeks ago) i tossed my ancient clinique make-up bag. it had probably close to 10 years of blush & powder leaked on to it and mascara scuffs. it was BAD. i tossed it. kyle saw it in the bathroom trash can & couldn't believe i finally parted with it!

i just think it's funny that kyle & ben are that in tune with our make-up bags. i guess that's what being married almost 9 years will do to you. ;) ha