
*walking around Norris Dam*

{our first family vacation with my side was in Tennessee. we went to the state park that surrounds
 the Norris Dam. which amazingly was built in the 30's.}
{the park was beautiful...and so green!}
{when we got to the park, we had this strong feeling to just take as many walks as we could...our first walk was around the cabin area...}

{we found quite a few items on our first walk...one of them being this enormous spider web...thankfully mr...or mrs..spider was not home at the time...}

{a bird's nest was found...uninhabited...}

{this tree was amazing with it's feather like blooms..i can't seem to find the name of it...but it was set against a bunch of oak trees so it really popped...}

{we meet a little friend...}

{who victoria was very curious about..}

{enjoyed the beautiful flowers...but as we were walking back...}

{b noticed this little guy hanging out......it's a bat. he/she must not have known we were there because it didn't make a peep...trust me...they peep when they know you are there..
we had plenty of bat experience in our family home back in Indiana....}

{the walks were always so relaxing and i felt so connected to nature...really enjoyed it...i made sure to bring my camera on every walk...so that i woudn't miss something. i'm excited for next week because i'll be showing you our 2nd walk...."a walk in the woods". it was amazing!}



Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

That web is crazy!
Glad to see your pics.
Have a great weekend as well.

Beth said...

I've been told that's a Mimosa tree... I call them firework trees. Such beautiful soft flowers- I wish they would grow in Illinois!!!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.

hear.t. and hue said...

fun!!!!!! and yeah that web IS CRAZY! i have seen that tree before & i think beth is right about the 'mimosa tree'. i saw one when i was little ... i think my neighbors used to have one??? i always LOVED playing with the little pom-poms. :) looked like you guys had an awesome time reconnecting with nature & one another.

Kris said...

You changed your blog! I LOVE it!!

And you got some great photos from your vacation!! My favorite is the frog - he looks so plump and content sitting there on the railing. Glad you had a good time.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!