
weekend recap - this week

The weather here has been amazingly beautiful and we have been trying to soak it up as much as possible! 
This weekend I got to experience acupuncture for the first time and all I have to say is I love it! It was amazing, I felt sooo relaxed after my appointment and incredibly happy to be on this path to a healthier me. 
I need to dedicate a post or two to my health to fill you all in but that will have to wait for now. If you haven't tried acupuncture, you should! Amazing! 
My adorable boys played outside while I worked on some projects. I was so taken by their crafty chalk drawings, I had to take a break so that I could capture them in the act. 
I loved this happy moon. A little tid bit about my b, he's super creative when he wants to be! 
When he was younger, his parents would enter him into coloring contests and he would win every time!
Oh and in high school, we both were in the same art class together and the teacher favored him so much he would get A's on all his work and I always ended up with B's! 
Oliver has really started budding as a mini artist. I love it!
He has a knack for creating beautiful color combinations! 
Oliver is also getting better at hand/eye coordination when it comes to catching a ball. 
Before, the ball would hit him in the head and he would still be looking up. Ha! 
Oh and random thought, I have never been a big fan of Victoria Secret clothes, they just never really worked with my style. Over the weekend, I received a catalog and was really surprised at some of their 
pieces. This shirt dress above looks so cute and would be perfect for the hot summers here. 
I am also loving the outfits to the left of this dress! Kudos VS!

So the rest of the week I am going to be busy tying up loose ends with projects and getting ready for a much needed girls weekend away! 
My friend, Kris and I are meeting up in Sedona, AZ this Thursday 
which happens to be the day before my birthday! 
We will be there for four days and three nights! It is going to be so much fun exploring this beautiful place with her! I can't wait! 

So this means I will not be posting the rest of the week, but I will be back next week with probably tons of photos to share! 

Have a great week!!  

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