
oh monday...

I feel the same way love...

Monday, you've come too quick. We had a great weekend with lots of beautiful weather here. On Saturday, I had my fourth acupuncture treatment but this time we didn't work on my immune system, we focused on my sinuses. They are all inflamed and so not happy with me. I get a lot of sinus infections and they are believed to be caused by my weak immune system....good thing we are working on rebuilding that. 
so tired of sinus problems.
When I got home, we had lunch outside..
and Oliver ate his body weight in pirate booty. 
I promise we don't always let him eat like this. 
He was mad hungry after playing in the yard most of the morning and watering my hostas. 
Such a good helper. 

b spent the morning clearing the right side of the garage. This has been a very dreaded project. 
You might remember me mentioning this area before
Snakes and spiders are not my friends. nope.
After having the pecan tree removed last week, the project got a little bit easier. 
Here is a great before picture. This was before we took possession of the property. 
As you can see, the previous homeowner did not maintain the yard very well or at all.  
Oh and the tree that is way too close to the garage, that's the pecan tree that made
 a huge and dangerous mess this past fall. 
Picture large nuts falling from a tree 30-40 feet above your head. Ouch!
In case you couldn't quite see just how bad it was, here's a close up. 
So after seeing this, can you understand why it was a bit dreaded? 
Here is how it looked on Saturday after b had spent a couple hours on it..
I'm telling you, he's a trooper! 
He even went behind the garage and cleared all the crap away. 
And I really do mean crap, random things were just thrown on the sides of the garage.
Now we can lay some grass seed and pray it grows! 
After lunch, I was feeling really worn out from this sinus mess so my girl and I decided to take a little nap. 
Saturday naps are the best!
That night we went out for Mexican and hit up the candy shop for some much needed ice cream. 
O had been talking about chocolate ice cream all week! 
He's such a cheese!
I don't think this kid will ever not want some chocolate. 
He gets this big grin on his face if you even mention the word...chocolate. :) 
Sunday was all about work. 
I have drawings to complete and furniture boards to make 
so I tried to make a dent in my work load by hitting the drafting board on Sunday. 
It helped. 

So that's what our weekend entailed, hope yours was grand! 

Happy Monday! 

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