
*ugh..not now.*

{i'm up to my elbows in projects and this week the cold decided to visit. not the best of times for me. ugh.
so i am going to take the day off or maybe two from blogging to hopefully still get some work done
and at the same time...treat this annoying cold. 
i hope you all have a great day...or two.
see you soon!}


b said...

hope you get better d & don't give it to me, b.

Sarah said...

Ugh, feel better! I am right there with you! Silver lining: a good excuse to snuggle up in your jammies and take some 'you' time . . . at least, that's what I tell myself. Get well soon!

Krista said...

I had "the cold" too - took only a few days to get over. I hope yours goes away way faster than that!
Feel better!

Grace said...

rest up, dana!!! and drink lots of OJ :)
i am cracking up at ben's comment!

Colleen said...

get lots of sleep and rest and catch up on some cheesy tv shows while lying in bed! works like a charm. Ohhh, and chocolate too. best medicine around. ;)

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

:| feel better! and hope you get lots of rest/work done, it that is possible.

Kris said...

Thinking of you and hoping you feel better!