
artistic gardens

so our backyard really isn't a backyard. 
it's more like a two car garage, small deck and "L" shaped driveway. 
there are small pieces of "grass" 
(who am i kidding, it's weeds! the previous homeowner didn't do squat with the landscaping)
 and a whole lot of monkey grass. 
ugh..i hate monkey grass. i know some people love it for edging but i really don't like it.

it's been a change from our old backyard that was all grass but O doesn't seem to mind it too much. he can now drive his cars around on the driveway rather then the deck. 

so what we would like to do in the near future is remove the existing garage, the deck and part of the drive. 
 removing all these items would allow us to gain a decent size back yard. 
don't worry, we wouldn't actually loose our garage..well technically yes we would..but we would rebuild a new garage with an upstairs studio (wahoo!) in a new location. 
 it also means we will have to decide if we want to rebuild a new deck or go with a beautiful patio. 
can you already tell which way i am leaning? ;)
honestly, i am kind of over a deck. we had a huge one at the last house and i loved it 
but for this house, i am thinking i want a patio with brick pavers. 

i bought the newest house & home magazine the other day and when i turned to the article that featured these pictures, i fell in love. 
i love how this yard feels. 
i love the bricks, the greenery and the black-ish details.
 it's beautiful and elegant without being fussy.

makes me so excited for this future project. 

you need to check out the designers of this amazing yard...

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